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How to setup your Video Wall Software

Get your Corollarium video wall system online in minutes with our detailed tutorial below


This is a tutorial for setting up your video wall software. It's very easy to setup, whether it's a 2x2 or 3x3 video wall to a dynamic format.

Install server

Download server from our home page for you operating system. Install the package locally. Windows has an installer, Linux just needs to be unpacked.

Open the server (on Windows click it, on Linux run the 'videowallserver' application on a terminal). It should open a page on your favorite web browser. If not check the message for the link to open.

Remember that the Videowall uses networking for communication, so you need to allow it to open ports 2000, 2001 and 2002 if you have a firewall on your server machine.

Automated Linux installer

Considering the need for dedicated Linux servers, we proved an automated installation tool using Ansible. It performs the entire setup of a fresh Ubuntu Linux installation. It's the recommended way to install dedicated Linux servers.


In order to provide automatic encryption, which is necessary for stream casting, Videowall communicates with the internet to fetch certificates. If you have a proxy you need to allow traffic to videowall.online. You can use the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables to set a proxy for the Videowall server to use.

Create screens

Your first task is to create your video wall screens. Open the "Screens" menu entry. Resize the area to your expected videowall size; you can change this later if you need, so a rough guess is fine. Click to create screens, and drag them to where you want. The video below shows how this is done. You can use the "Fit Button" in the end to ensure that the screens use all available space.

Alternatively you can also create several screens at once with the "Add many" tool. You can pick the number of rows and columns to quickly have your screens positioned in a matrix.

You can use the editor on the left to fine tune the position. Any changes to the videowall will be reflected immediately, so you can easily fix minor differences once the screens are installed. The trial version allows you to create any number of screens, but you can only save two.

Remember to resize the videowall area in the end so there are no margins around it, or you'll lose visual area. You can use the `Fit` button for that. When you are done here, save it.

Add media and playlists

Next you need to add something to play on your video wall. Go to the "Media" page. On the left is the playlist you are creating, and on the right the media you have. Upload a video or image to get started and add to your playlist.

Run clients and assign them to screens

At this point you can run the clients. Remember, you will run one client per screen.

Connected clients will show up on the "Control" tab when they connect. This page allows you to assign a physical device to the correct screen, as shown in the video below.

This page also allows you to do several maintenance tasks:.

Show/hide screen data

These buttons allow you to see data for each screen on the actual physical screen. They display the screen physical id (which is useful to see to which screen name it should be mapped), the current screen name and the resolution.

Show calibration

This button shows a calibration pattern on the screens. This is very useful to fine tune the screen positions, allowing you to fix small differences caused by the physical installation and compensate for borders and spacing.

Restart clients

Restarts the video wall clients.

Screen power

If your screens support it, turn their power on or off remotely.

Raspberry Pi borders

Sometimes the default settings for the Raspberry Pi cannot detect the screen properly, and there's a black border visible. If so turn off or turn on the borders to fix it.

Client maintenance

Buttons to reboot and reinstall clients. They only work in certain architectures.

Start your playlist

You can control your videowall content on the "Player" page. As clients connect they will show up and the red plug on each screen will become green.

On the top grey screen you can choose what plays on the full videowall, and below you can optionally play content on individual screens. A preview with the thumbnail will always be shown, so you know the current media even if away from the video wall.

Fine calibration

You can see

On the top grey screen you can choose what plays on the full videowall, and below you can optionally play content on individual screens. A preview with the thumbnail will always be shown, so you know the current media even if away from the video wall.

Start your playlist

You can control your videowall content on the "Player" page. As clients connect they will show up and the red plug on each screen will become green.

On the top grey screen you can choose what plays on the full videowall, and below you can optionally play content on individual screens. A preview with the thumbnail will always be shown, so you know the current media even if away from the video wall.

Where to go next?

Your videowall is up and running! If you are a developer who wants to integrate our video wall software with other systems, read the REST API documentation here.

Buy a license and get your videowall working right now. You will be redirected to the Corollarium website for the checkout and payment. Distributors and resellers please contact us.

Buy a license

Choose the number of screens that you need and select the desired currency.
  • Videowall gold version
    • All you get in silver version
    • Picture in picture
    • Rotate screens in any angle
    • Stream cameras and windows from any computer
    • Schedule actions, like turning screens on and off
    • REST API to integrate with other software

  • Total price: $ 0.00